Djibouti photos

Check our collection of photos of Djibouti

The following photos and pictures from Djibouti have been taken mostly by locals or professionals. All the rights go to them and the photos respective owners

We do our best to show images from the area, landscapes, monuments,etc but the results may vary as we use an automatic process to select pictures.

The Somali Inhabitants of  the Land of Punt ,the homeland of the Ancient-egyptians .This is a fresco made by the Egyptian Queen Hatshepsout after her trade expedition to the land of Punt in -1495 before J-Christ . Now ,the ancient-land of Punt is Somalia

Title : The Somali Inhabitants of the Land of Punt ,the homeland of the Ancient-egyptians .This is a fresco made by the Egyptian Queen Hatshepsout after her trade expedition to the land of Punt in -1495 before J-Christ . Now ,the ancient-land of Punt is Somalia - Taken by : AAR-AMBAR

Ertra / Iritriya / Eritrea / ኤርትራ / ٳرِتْرِيَّا  / Eritreia

Title : Ertra / Iritriya / Eritrea / ኤርትራ / ٳرِتْرِيَّا / Eritreia - Taken by : Hugo Carriço

như lai chứng niết bàn , dứt hẳn nơi sinh tử , nếu người hết lòng nghe , thường được vui vô lượng . kinh đại bát niết bàn

Title : như lai chứng niết bàn , dứt hẳn nơi sinh tử , nếu người hết lòng nghe , thường được vui vô lượng . kinh đại bát niết bàn - Taken by : caterzenny

Lac Abbé Sud

Title : Lac Abbé Sud - Taken by : benoit871

Lac Abbé Sud

Title : Lac Abbé Sud - Taken by : benoit871

Lac Abbé Sud

Title : Lac Abbé Sud - Taken by : benoit871

Lac Abbé Sud

Title : Lac Abbé Sud - Taken by : benoit871

Lac Abbé Sud

Title : Lac Abbé Sud - Taken by : benoit871

Images taken via Flickr image service.