Check our collection of photos of Santa Rosa
The following photos and pictures from Santa Rosa have been taken mostly by locals or professionals. All the rights go to them and the photos respective owners
We do our best to show images from the area, landscapes, monuments,etc but the results may vary as we use an automatic process to select pictures.
Title : Anza-Borrego Smoketree - Taken by : [email protected]
Title : CaptDave Location of Pahreah Ghost Town - Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (3211) Pahreah, UT 11-26-2016. - Taken by : davidcherniak
Title : 190216 067 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Visitor Center - Cylindropuntia ramosissima, Cylindropuntia bigelovii, Opuntia phaeacantha - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 062 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Visitor Center - Ed Hastey Garden Trail - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 054 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Visitor Center - Ed Hastey Garden Trail, Cleome isomeris syn Peritoma arborea Bladderpod - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 053 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Visitor Center - Ed Hastey Garden Trail, Baccharis sarothroides Desert Broom - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 051 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Visitor Center - Ed Hastey Garden Trail, Washingtonia filifera, dried thatch protects the trunk - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 032 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Coachella Valley Vista Point, view of the Visitor Center and city of Palm Desert - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 027 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Coachella Valley Vista Point, view of the city of Palm Desert - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 023 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Coachella Valley Vista Point, view of the city of Palm Desert - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 020 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Hwy CA-74, Pines to Palms Scenic Byway - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 019 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Hwy CA-74, Encelia farinosa, Sphaeralcea emoryi, Cylindropuntia bigelovii Teddy Bear Cholla - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 018 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Hwy CA-74, Pines to Palms Scenic Byway, snow-capped peaks - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 015 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Hwy CA-74, Pines to Palms Scenic Byway - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 014 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Hwy CA-74, Pines to Palms Scenic Byway, view of the Coachella Valley - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 013 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Hwy CA-74, Pines to Palms Scenic Byway, Encelia farinosa Brittlebush - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : 190216 007 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Hwy CA-74, Pines to Palms Scenic Byway, view of the Coachella Valley - Taken by : cultivar413
Title : Yucca- Mojave Yucca (flowering), California, Riverside County, Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument - Taken by : EC Leatherberry
Images taken via Flickr image service.