Cartagena photos

Check our collection of photos of Cartagena

The following photos and pictures from Cartagena have been taken mostly by locals or professionals. All the rights go to them and the photos respective owners

We do our best to show images from the area, landscapes, monuments,etc but the results may vary as we use an automatic process to select pictures.


Title : DSC_1094p1 - Taken by : Andy961

The Hidden Agenda Of Landscape Definition In Art | landscape definition in art

Title : The Hidden Agenda Of Landscape Definition In Art | landscape definition in art - Taken by : painterlegend


Title : mon02L - Taken by : Mark Stocks ~ Vistas de Murcia


Title : mon01L - Taken by : Mark Stocks ~ Vistas de Murcia

0003 L

Title : 0003 L - Taken by : Mark Stocks ~ Vistas de Murcia


Title : 0001L - Taken by : Mark Stocks ~ Vistas de Murcia


Title : Cartagena - Taken by : Aerisabel

MAM 1798

Title : MAM 1798 - Taken by : david.robarts

Consecration cross (2)

Title : Consecration cross (2) - Taken by : david.robarts


Title : Bridget - Taken by : david.robarts

C14 door

Title : C14 door - Taken by : david.robarts

TB 1762

Title : TB 1762 - Taken by : david.robarts

Graffiti (10)

Title : Graffiti (10) - Taken by : david.robarts


Title : R B - Taken by : david.robarts

Dot to Dot

Title : Dot to Dot - Taken by : david.robarts

Graffiti (6)

Title : Graffiti (6) - Taken by : david.robarts

3 men's Morris

Title : 3 men's Morris - Taken by : david.robarts


Title : Font - Taken by : david.robarts

East window

Title : East window - Taken by : david.robarts


Title : Stalls - Taken by : david.robarts

Consecration cross

Title : Consecration cross - Taken by : david.robarts

Stalls (6)

Title : Stalls (6) - Taken by : david.robarts

C1 L

Title : C1 L - Taken by : Mark Stocks ~ Vistas de Murcia

2017-04a-F0770 copia

Title : 2017-04a-F0770 copia - Taken by : Fotgrafo-robby25

Port, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena

Title : Port, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena - Taken by : gudrun2107

The Monument to the Heroes of Santiago de Cuba and Cavite Plaza and the port, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain

Title : The Monument to the Heroes of Santiago de Cuba and Cavite Plaza and the port, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain - Taken by : kosdimitre

Princess Panama Cruise - Cartegena

Title : Princess Panama Cruise - Cartegena - Taken by : 3cinevoli

Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of

Title : Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of - Taken by : Jose Angel Astor

domes of churches in the city of Cartagena, Spain

Title : domes of churches in the city of Cartagena, Spain - Taken by : Jose Angel Astor

Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of

Title : Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of - Taken by : Jose Angel Astor

Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of

Title : Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of - Taken by : Jose Angel Astor

Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of

Title : Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of - Taken by : Jose Angel Astor

Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of

Title : Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of - Taken by : Jose Angel Astor

Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of

Title : Ruins of an ancient coastal defense headquarters in the city of - Taken by : Jose Angel Astor

Cabo de Palos Cartagena

Title : Cabo de Palos Cartagena - Taken by : Ruben Juan


Title : Grooves - Taken by : david.robarts


Title : 1792 - Taken by : david.robarts

Nave (4)

Title : Nave (4) - Taken by : david.robarts

Nave (3)

Title : Nave (3) - Taken by : david.robarts

Medieval glass

Title : Medieval glass - Taken by : david.robarts

Wall painting

Title : Wall painting - Taken by : david.robarts

The seven deadly sins

Title : The seven deadly sins - Taken by : david.robarts

Images taken via Flickr image service.