Albania photos

Check our collection of photos of Albania

The following photos and pictures from Albania have been taken mostly by locals or professionals. All the rights go to them and the photos respective owners

We do our best to show images from the area, landscapes, monuments,etc but the results may vary as we use an automatic process to select pictures.

Discover the Top 10 Best Travel Destinations!

Title : Discover the Top 10 Best Travel Destinations! - Taken by : StudyBooking

Albania - Near Korce - Tumulus of Kamenica

Title : Albania - Near Korce - Tumulus of Kamenica - Taken by : JulesFoto

4919 R Lini Pamje nga fshati Lin Pogradec Collection by ARBA View from Lni Village in Pogradec Pogled iz sela Lin

Title : 4919 R Lini Pamje nga fshati Lin Pogradec Collection by ARBA View from Lni Village in Pogradec Pogled iz sela Lin - Taken by : Morton1905

Parku Buzëdeti (Vollga)

Title : Parku Buzëdeti (Vollga) - Taken by : Genti_B

Kalaja e Rozafës / Rozafa Castle

Title : Kalaja e Rozafës / Rozafa Castle - Taken by : Nikos Niotis

The Lead Mosque, Shkodër, Albania

Title : The Lead Mosque, Shkodër, Albania - Taken by : Nikos Niotis

Skanderberg statue

Title : Skanderberg statue - Taken by : digitalcrop

Skanderberg statue

Title : Skanderberg statue - Taken by : digitalcrop

Охрид (Ohrid)

Title : Охрид (Ohrid) - Taken by : Nikos Niotis


Title : Rehove - Taken by : blackcharliepho


Title : DSC04348-2 - Taken by : UmitCukurel


Title : DSC04368-2 - Taken by : UmitCukurel


Title : DSC04370-2 - Taken by : UmitCukurel


Title : DSC04371-2 - Taken by : UmitCukurel


Title : DSC04372-2 - Taken by : UmitCukurel


Title : DSC04407-2 - Taken by : UmitCukurel


Title : DSC04409-2 - Taken by : UmitCukurel

Albania - Near Korce - Tumulus of Kamenica

Title : Albania - Near Korce - Tumulus of Kamenica - Taken by : JulesFoto

The large Stoa built in the 4th century BC, it is the best preserved monument from the Classical period in the Agora and was used up to the 2nd Century AD, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The large Stoa built in the 4th century BC, it is the best preserved monument from the Classical period in the Agora and was used up to the 2nd Century AD, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

The large Stoa built in the 4th century BC, it is the best preserved monument from the Classical period in the Agora and was used up to the 2nd Century AD, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The large Stoa built in the 4th century BC, it is the best preserved monument from the Classical period in the Agora and was used up to the 2nd Century AD, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

The large Stoa built in the 4th century BC, it is the best preserved monument from the Classical period in the Agora and was used up to the 2nd Century AD, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The large Stoa built in the 4th century BC, it is the best preserved monument from the Classical period in the Agora and was used up to the 2nd Century AD, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

The Bouleuterion which served as an assembly place of the council of the city (also known as the Monument of the Agonothetes), it was built in the 2nd C AD during Lucius Verus' reign (161-169 AD) and could accommodate about 160 people, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The Bouleuterion which served as an assembly place of the council of the city (also known as the Monument of the Agonothetes), it was built in the 2nd C AD during Lucius Verus' reign (161-169 AD) and could accommodate about 160 people, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

The Bouleuterion which served as an assembly place of the council of the city (also known as the Monument of the Agonothetes), it was built in the 2nd C AD during Lucius Verus' reign (161-169 AD) and could accommodate about 160 people, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The Bouleuterion which served as an assembly place of the council of the city (also known as the Monument of the Agonothetes), it was built in the 2nd C AD during Lucius Verus' reign (161-169 AD) and could accommodate about 160 people, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania

Title : The Nymphaeum fed by the underground water sources, built in the middle of the 3rd century BC, it is the biggest and best preserved monument of Apollonia covering an area of 1,500 square metres, Apollonia, Albania - Taken by : Following Hadrian

Our Base At Lake Ohrid

Title : Our Base At Lake Ohrid - Taken by : Alfred Grupstra

1. Goranxi. Manastiri i Shën Marisë, Ravenjës

Title : 1. Goranxi. Manastiri i Shën Marisë, Ravenjës - Taken by : pirrothomo

Title : - Taken by : istanbulianb

Title : - Taken by : istanbulianb

Title : - Taken by : istanbulianb

Title : - Taken by : istanbulianb

Title : - Taken by : istanbulianb

Title : - Taken by : istanbulianb

Title : - Taken by : istanbulianb

Title : - Taken by : istanbulianb

Cape of Rodon

Title : Cape of Rodon - Taken by : Aurel from Wisconsin

Skanderbeg Castle - Cape of Rodon (Kalaja e Skenderbeut - Kepi i Rodonit)

Title : Skanderbeg Castle - Cape of Rodon (Kalaja e Skenderbeut - Kepi i Rodonit) - Taken by : Aurel from Wisconsin

Tirana, Skanderbeg Square

Title : Tirana, Skanderbeg Square - Taken by : cameron lucida

Citadelle de Berat - Albanie

Title : Citadelle de Berat - Albanie - Taken by : [ Vincent Leroux Photo ]

Vue depuis la citadelle de Berat - Albanie

Title : Vue depuis la citadelle de Berat - Albanie - Taken by : [ Vincent Leroux Photo ]

Eglise byzantine de la Ste Trinité dans la citadelle de Berat - Albanie

Title : Eglise byzantine de la Ste Trinité dans la citadelle de Berat - Albanie - Taken by : [ Vincent Leroux Photo ]

La citadelle de Berat - Albanie

Title : La citadelle de Berat - Albanie - Taken by : [ Vincent Leroux Photo ]

Albania - monument at Theth

Title : Albania - monument at Theth - Taken by : Brombags1

Image taken from page 628 of '[The Beauties of England and Wales; or, Delineations, topographical, historical, and descriptive, of each country. Embellished with engravings. (vol. 1-6 by E. W. Brayley and J. Britton; vol. 7 by E. W. Brayley; vol. 8 by E.

Title : Image taken from page 628 of '[The Beauties of England and Wales; or, Delineations, topographical, historical, and descriptive, of each country. Embellished with engravings. (vol. 1-6 by E. W. Brayley and J. Britton; vol. 7 by E. W. Brayley; vol. 8 by E. - Taken by : The British Library

2012 078

Title : 2012 078 - Taken by : martïna ◑

AL ER519 011

Title : AL ER519 011 - Taken by : setboun photos

Around Prespa Lakes

Title : Around Prespa Lakes - Taken by : blackcharliepho

Images taken via Flickr image service.