Dushanbe photos

Check our collection of photos of Dushanbe

The following photos and pictures from Dushanbe have been taken mostly by locals or professionals. All the rights go to them and the photos respective owners

We do our best to show images from the area, landscapes, monuments,etc but the results may vary as we use an automatic process to select pictures.

20160809 Bukhara, Uzbekistan 221

Title : 20160809 Bukhara, Uzbekistan 221 - Taken by : txikita69

Glimpse of Tajikistan-11.jpg

Title : Glimpse of Tajikistan-11.jpg - Taken by : mascotMonem

World Tourism Institution-ECTT in dialogue with Tajikistan Economy Minister

Title : World Tourism Institution-ECTT in dialogue with Tajikistan Economy Minister - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Precious Tajikistan Carpet (ruby and diamonds and gold embroderry)

Title : Precious Tajikistan Carpet (ruby and diamonds and gold embroderry) - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

President Dr. Anton Caragea at Dushanbe Tajikistan Presidential Palace

Title : President Dr. Anton Caragea at Dushanbe Tajikistan Presidential Palace - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

President Dr. Anton Caragea receives Tajikistan Independence Medal from President Emomali Rahmon

Title : President Dr. Anton Caragea receives Tajikistan Independence Medal from President Emomali Rahmon - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

President Dr. Anton Caragea starts SILK ROAD Program in Tajikistan

Title : President Dr. Anton Caragea starts SILK ROAD Program in Tajikistan - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Serban Damboviceanu-ECTT

Title : Serban Damboviceanu-ECTT - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Rogun Mountain in Tajikistan

Title : Rogun Mountain in Tajikistan - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Serban Damboviceanu and Petru Lificiu from ECTT

Title : Serban Damboviceanu and Petru Lificiu from ECTT - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Tajikistan specific table

Title : Tajikistan specific table - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Tajikistan Dances for European Council on Tourism and Trade Chairman

Title : Tajikistan Dances for European Council on Tourism and Trade Chairman - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Varzob Palace

Title : Varzob Palace - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Tursunzade Aluminium Factory-Tajikistan

Title : Tursunzade Aluminium Factory-Tajikistan - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

DUSHANBE-World Capital of Culture and Tourism Monument

Title : DUSHANBE-World Capital of Culture and Tourism Monument - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Mr. Nicolae Nicolae Head of Media Departament European Council on Tourism and Trade

Title : Mr. Nicolae Nicolae Head of Media Departament European Council on Tourism and Trade - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

ECTT President prepares to enter the Rogun Mountain

Title : ECTT President prepares to enter the Rogun Mountain - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

DUSHANBE-World Capital of Culture and Tourism

Title : DUSHANBE-World Capital of Culture and Tourism - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

European Council on Tourism and Trade delegates at Tursunzade

Title : European Council on Tourism and Trade delegates at Tursunzade - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

European Council on Tourism and Trade delegate Romanian Minister Petru Lificiu at Tursunzade Aluminium Museum

Title : European Council on Tourism and Trade delegate Romanian Minister Petru Lificiu at Tursunzade Aluminium Museum - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

European Council on Tourism and Trade delegates at Holbuk Fortress

Title : European Council on Tourism and Trade delegates at Holbuk Fortress - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Hissar Fortress

Title : Hissar Fortress - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

European Council President Dr. ANTON CARAGEA at Varzob Palace

Title : European Council President Dr. ANTON CARAGEA at Varzob Palace - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

H.E. President Anton Caragea visiting Hissar Palace

Title : H.E. President Anton Caragea visiting Hissar Palace - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

H.E. President Dr. Anton Caragea signes the Book of Honour at Kulob

Title : H.E. President Dr. Anton Caragea signes the Book of Honour at Kulob - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Hissar Mosque-Tajikistan

Title : Hissar Mosque-Tajikistan - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Hissar Palace-Tajikistan

Title : Hissar Palace-Tajikistan - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Holbuk Fortress Tajikistan

Title : Holbuk Fortress Tajikistan - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Kulob-European Council Delegation

Title : Kulob-European Council Delegation - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Incredible nature-Varzob Palace

Title : Incredible nature-Varzob Palace - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Honorary Book signed by President Dr. Anton Caragea

Title : Honorary Book signed by President Dr. Anton Caragea - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Huge popular celebration for Dushanbe-World Capital of culture and Tourism

Title : Huge popular celebration for Dushanbe-World Capital of culture and Tourism - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Kulob Welcoming-Tajikistan

Title : Kulob Welcoming-Tajikistan - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade


Title : Kulob-Tajikistan - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Ministrul Turismului

Title : Ministrul Turismului - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Mir Said Ali Hamadoni Mausoleum - Kulob

Title : Mir Said Ali Hamadoni Mausoleum - Kulob - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Mir Sayyd Ali Hamadoni Tomb - Kulob

Title : Mir Sayyd Ali Hamadoni Tomb - Kulob - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

President EMOMALI RAHMON and President ANTON CARAGEA on Dushanbe-World Capital of Culture and Tourism

Title : President EMOMALI RAHMON and President ANTON CARAGEA on Dushanbe-World Capital of Culture and Tourism - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

President EMOMALI RAHMON and President ANTON CARAGEA on Dushanbe-World Capital of Culture and Tourism

Title : President EMOMALI RAHMON and President ANTON CARAGEA on Dushanbe-World Capital of Culture and Tourism - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Academician Mircea Constantinescu at Holbuk Fortress

Title : Academician Mircea Constantinescu at Holbuk Fortress - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Official Announcement - Dushanbe-World Capital of Culture and Tourism

Title : Official Announcement - Dushanbe-World Capital of Culture and Tourism - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Academician Mircea Constantinescu-European Tourism Academy-Kulob

Title : Academician Mircea Constantinescu-European Tourism Academy-Kulob - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

Alexander The Great meet with similar dances in Tajikistan

Title : Alexander The Great meet with similar dances in Tajikistan - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade


Title : PRESS CONFERENCE-WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM - Taken by : European Council on Tourism and Trade

20160808 Bukhara, Uzbekistan 002

Title : 20160808 Bukhara, Uzbekistan 002 - Taken by : txikita69

Images taken via Flickr image service.