Saint Barthélemy photos

Check our collection of photos of Saint Barthélemy

The following photos and pictures from Saint Barthélemy have been taken mostly by locals or professionals. All the rights go to them and the photos respective owners

We do our best to show images from the area, landscapes, monuments,etc but the results may vary as we use an automatic process to select pictures.

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot -Ville d'Avray, ca. 1867, oil on canvas. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art. If you will, please take an unhurried walk in-person standing before Corot's paintings. You will not regret it.

Title : Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot -Ville d'Avray, ca. 1867, oil on canvas. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art. If you will, please take an unhurried walk in-person standing before Corot's paintings. You will not regret it. - Taken by : Richard R. Thompson

IMG_9196A Maître du retable de  Saint Barthélemy. actif à Cologne vers 1475-1510.  Retable de Saint Thomas. St Thomas Altarpiece.  vers 1495. Cologne Wallraf Richartz Museum

Title : IMG_9196A Maître du retable de Saint Barthélemy. actif à Cologne vers 1475-1510. Retable de Saint Thomas. St Thomas Altarpiece. vers 1495. Cologne Wallraf Richartz Museum - Taken by : jean louis mazieres

IMG_9196B Maître du retable de  Saint Barthélemy. actif à Cologne vers 1475-1510.  Retable de Saint Thomas. St Thomas Altarpiece.  vers 1495. Cologne Wallraf Richartz Museum

Title : IMG_9196B Maître du retable de Saint Barthélemy. actif à Cologne vers 1475-1510. Retable de Saint Thomas. St Thomas Altarpiece. vers 1495. Cologne Wallraf Richartz Museum - Taken by : jean louis mazieres

Early morning in southern Beaujolais, off-season

Title : Early morning in southern Beaujolais, off-season - Taken by : edk7

Tilt effect view of the Saint Barthelemy church in Liege, Belgium

Title : Tilt effect view of the Saint Barthelemy church in Liege, Belgium - Taken by : NicVW

L'abbaye de Vauclair - Steve.© -

Title : L'abbaye de Vauclair - Steve.© - - Taken by : Steve-©-foto

Images taken via Flickr image service.