Kosovo photos

Check our collection of photos of Kosovo

The following photos and pictures from Kosovo have been taken mostly by locals or professionals. All the rights go to them and the photos respective owners

We do our best to show images from the area, landscapes, monuments,etc but the results may vary as we use an automatic process to select pictures.

Prizren (Kosovo)

Title : Prizren (Kosovo) - Taken by : L'Abominable Homme de Rires

Belgrade Fortress - DSC_1659

Title : Belgrade Fortress - DSC_1659 - Taken by : Chris Belsten

UNESCO Medieval Monuments in Kosovo-from:Saint(FINLAND) (7)

Title : UNESCO Medieval Monuments in Kosovo-from:Saint(FINLAND) (7) - Taken by : 96hsu

Kaljaja Fortress Wall - Prizren, Kosovo

Title : Kaljaja Fortress Wall - Prizren, Kosovo - Taken by : Paul Diming

Kaljaja Fortress - Prizren, Kosovo

Title : Kaljaja Fortress - Prizren, Kosovo - Taken by : Paul Diming

Think. You're entering now in a holy place.

Title : Think. You're entering now in a holy place. - Taken by : Sobanland

Newborn monument, five years later

Title : Newborn monument, five years later - Taken by : aljabak85

WWII Monument - Prishtina, Kosovo

Title : WWII Monument - Prishtina, Kosovo - Taken by : rachelcleary

Monument to the Unknown Hero

Title : Monument to the Unknown Hero - Taken by : barryprudom


Title : coming - Taken by : miradel


Title : Timisoara - Taken by : yugoland


Title : Memorie. - Taken by : yugoland

Quel che rimane del socialismo...Hunedoara.

Title : Quel che rimane del socialismo...Hunedoara. - Taken by : yugoland


Title : Prizreni - Taken by : idealaliaj

Green & Blue

Title : Green & Blue - Taken by : Yll'

From the top of the Kosovo Polje tower

Title : From the top of the Kosovo Polje tower - Taken by : tttiramisu

the monument ot Kosovo battle

Title : the monument ot Kosovo battle - Taken by : mimeto


Title : Destroyed... - Taken by : AMWRanes

Kosovo Polje, "Field of the Blackbirds" Monument, July 2007

Title : Kosovo Polje, "Field of the Blackbirds" Monument, July 2007 - Taken by : Thomas K Kelly

Images taken via Flickr image service.