El Salvador photos

Check our collection of photos of El Salvador

The following photos and pictures from El Salvador have been taken mostly by locals or professionals. All the rights go to them and the photos respective owners

We do our best to show images from the area, landscapes, monuments,etc but the results may vary as we use an automatic process to select pictures.

Caravaca la Nuit.

Title : Caravaca la Nuit. - Taken by : Miguel Angel SGR

Día del Brasil/ Seminario de historia precolombina en el British Museum

Title : Día del Brasil/ Seminario de historia precolombina en el British Museum - Taken by : jungledrumsonline

Republica De Honduras monument on Isla Roatán Honduras Latin Central America

Title : Republica De Honduras monument on Isla Roatán Honduras Latin Central America - Taken by : RYANISLAND

Torre de El Salvador

Title : Torre de El Salvador - Taken by : R.Iznardo

The Revolution Monument - "The Naked One"

Title : The Revolution Monument - "The Naked One" - Taken by : 81Cafe

Proposal for a Monument to the Survival of the University of El Salvador: Blasted Pencil (That Still Writes), detail

Title : Proposal for a Monument to the Survival of the University of El Salvador: Blasted Pencil (That Still Writes), detail - Taken by : UMichLibrary

Proposal for a Monument to the Survival of the University of El Salvador: Blasted Pencil (That Still Writes)

Title : Proposal for a Monument to the Survival of the University of El Salvador: Blasted Pencil (That Still Writes) - Taken by : UMichLibrary


Title : Agüero - Taken by : Akuneta

El Salvador landscape

Title : El Salvador landscape - Taken by : javierespinoza

Images taken via Flickr image service.